Monday, August 18, 2008

Protect Your Privacy

Juneau students return to school September 2nd.  High students and their parents are encouraged to review the District's information about privacy rights and the right to withhold permission for the District to release student name and home contact information to military recruiters.  Look for Form 8330F in the packet your family received and review it.  If you are not comfortable having recruiters from the several branches of the military calling you at home you will want to be sure to check the appropriate box(es), sign that form and submit it to the school (or District) office in a timely manner.  At the right are links to both the parent and the student version of the form.  

The SeaTIR steering committee worked with the Board Policy Committee during the 2006-07 school year to get the District to rework the wording of its regulations and form for withholding permission for release of "directory information" to military recruiters as required by the No Child Left Behind Act to be sure parents and students understand that they can "opt-out" from the lists sent to military recruiters without worrying that they would not hear from colleges or the companies marketing school rings, etc.

The District now provides a specific form for use by students themselves, as provided in the NCLB, and also the regulations specify that the request can be made in any form, including a handwritten note signed by the student.  While other requests relating to release of  student records can only be the parent or qualified student over 18 years, in the case of withholding that information from military recruiters can be made by any secondary school student.

The District and high school websites should provide a link to the necessary form.  If you do not see it there, you may want to call the District Office to ask that it be added.  You should be aware that the District has a very short time to the deadline when these forms need to be received.  DON'T WAIT!  GET YOUR FORM 8330F IN  RIGHT AWAY.